...用光反应中由光能转化来的活跃的化学能,具有在黑暗中同化CO2为有机物的能力,所以被称为"同化力"。 18. 光反应(light reaction):光合作用中需要光的反应。为发生在类囊体上的光的吸收、传递与转换、电子传递和光合磷酸化等反应的总称。
Light Reaction Company 轻型应变小队
direct light reaction 直接光反应
indirect light reaction 间接光反应
persistent light reaction 持久性光反应
light reaction becomes sluggish 对光反应迟钝
dorsal light reaction 背部光反应
visible-light reaction 可见光响应
pupillary light reaction 瞳孔对光反应
以上来源于: WordNet
N the stage of photosynthesis during which light energy is absorbed by chlorophyll and transformed into chemical energy stored in ATP 光化反应 [botany] → compare dark reaction
The check of pupillary size and light reaction are not satisfied in cheat patients.
A ratio of less red and to more far-red light would cause a reaction from the plant.
Some biologists hypothesize that a plant will stop growing if it's in the shade of another plant, a reaction that's triggered when it senses an unusual ratio of red light to far-red light.